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Hip or Trochanertic Bursa Injection

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The hip is a complex joint consisting of bones, the hip joint, ligaments that hold the structure together, the bursa outside the joint, and multiple muscles around the joint which allow the joint to move within the available range of motion. The Bursa can get inflamed due to injury, sports, leg length differences, scoliosis, and sometimes for no apparent reason.  Pain is often in the buttock and outside of the hip Non surgical treatment includes physical therapy, and Motrin (topical or oral). Some patients need injections of steroids or PRP for symptom resolution.  


RISKS of injection: 

​Rare but potential risks of injection treatments include:


  • Allergic reaction to meds (steroid only)

  • Infection

  • Bleeding

  • Temporary increase in pain

  • Osteoporotic bone fracture (steroid only)

  • Avascular necrosis  (steroid only)

  • High blood sugar levels (steroid only)

  • Transient vaginal spotting (steroid only)

  • Transient facial flushing (if steroid used)

  • A transient decrease in immunity

  • Stomach ulcers

  • Avascular necrosis of joints (steroid only)

  • Cataracts (steroid only)

  • Agitation and irritability (steroid only)

  • Negative effect on bone density  (steroid only)


Prepare for your Procedure: ​

  • Please let us know if you have had fevers, antibiotic treatment, any illness, or hospitalization within the last 4 weeks. You must be healthy and off all antibiotics on the day of the procedure



Medications that have to be held before PRP injection




Right after the Procedure


  • You will be observed for 15-30 minutes.

  • A nurse will check your vitals and review the discharge instructions  (please do not discard it and bring to followup)​


Discharge Instructions

  • Take band-aid off tomorrow. No bathing tonight but ok to shower 

  • Ice area the night of the procedure.

  • May take Tylenol or Motrin if you have some soreness.



Page us if you experience

  • Sudden weakness or shortness of breath

  • Fever over 101°F within 5 days after the procedure

  • Persistent redness, increased localized pain, or discharge from the site of injection.

  • Possible allergic reaction within 5 days of the procedure

  • Significantly increased pain not responding to ice, NSAIDS and pain meds or associated with fever




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